UPDATE: As of the latest update, the game crashes even more often. Instead of fixing their inefficient code, they add to it. Figures.
Oh, and new discovery... It wont even allow you to get a "low-battery" notification without losing your current activity and requiring a reload of the app! Seriously, fix your app before adding more crap!
Especially unbearable when you lose attack battles (and lose many of your prized medals), because of the crash, that would have been easy victories.
Also crashes so much during campaign battles that it wipes out my stamina attempting what should be an easy battle. And the time to reload is ridiculously long.
I dont know why, but it works fine on the normal-sized iPad w/Retina, but the iPad Mini cant handle the computations or memory usage, or something.
Regarding Siri... You cannot do ANYTHING ELSE while playing Monster Castle without losing what you are doing and having to restart (this goes for any iPad, not just the mini). If you switch briefly to another app, or simply ask Siri to set a timer for you, the game will have to restart. Extremely frustrating! Especially with the long load times.
I have really enjoyed building my castle despite the problems. But, these issues need to be resolved to really make this game enjoyable.
I would also like to suggest some fuzzy logic in rendering the monsters and humans. Adjust the height, colors, speed, etc. It would be so much more fun to have unique monsters and not just hoards of exact clones that all look, walk and think exactly alike. It would be more interesting if each creature could have its own peculiarities and increase the randomness of how they make decisions while attacking and defending.
If I can start multitasking without restarting, Ill bump this to 2 stars. If the crashing stops in iPad Mini, Ill bump this up to 3 stars. 4 if you can solve both. 5 stars if you also incorporate my ideas to make creatures more unique. Just need to add a few lines of random property values on the class creations between some reasonable mins/Maxs.
Good luck.
Open-mynded about Monster Castle